Lost Twin Sister #KalosTV
In a bygone era, within the confines of an orphanage, twin sisters Shira and Bella York faced a pivotal moment as Shira gave the opportunity for a prosperous adoption to her sister Bella, who was burdened with a heart condition. This selfless act triggered profound changes in the sisters’ trajectories… Over time, Bella rose to prominence as the heiress of a wealthy family, leaving no stone unturned in her quest to reunite with her sister. Meanwhile, Shira endured tribulations within her in-laws’ domain, enduring deceit and destitution, ultimately succumbing to a tragic fate with a fall from a towering edifice. Witnessing Shira’s frailty in a sickbed, Bella vowed to avenge every injustice Shira had suffered. Pretending to be Shira, she employed resolute tactics to right the wrongs of the past.
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